Producer of continuous screw presses
Meccar born in 1959 as mechanical factory controlled by the actual family.
Due to the request of the costumer and of the market in short time the company start to specialize their production on rendering plant.
In 1962 we start to produce continuous screw presses and serve with them all the south Europe market with a production of 30 machines per year.
With the entering of the third generation of the family in the company the production strategy changed.
The machines, that composes a rendering plant, are so different that inside a factory was impossible produce everything at top of the quality and at the same time with the best price.
At the same time in our geographical area of Italy the concentration of mechanical company with each one a specific competence and specific professionalism increased.
Designing plants for pressing oil seeds and processing animal by-products
So the decision was to close the production and to buy participations in four company: one producing stainless steel components, one producing pressure vessel and petrochemical manufacture, one producing big thickness machines in carbon steel and one specialized in screw, containers and frameworks.
So Meccar Impianti S.r.l. was refounded in 1989 with the production activities that were outsourced while the company focused on the design phase.
Current core competences are concentrated on designing plants for pressing oil seeds and processing animal by-products (offals, bones, blood, feathers etc.) carried out at the Crema offices.

All the machines and lines for the processing of meat by-products and the extraction of vegetable oil are:
- designed
- constructed individually
- mounted
- maintained and implemented
In this way a dynamic and fast production chain is created that allows the personalisation of every plant on the customer’s own premises.
At the same time the four company participated maintain their specialization operating not only in rendering plant but also in all mechanical sector.
A leader since 1989
In all these years, Meccar has worked for international customers, and plants created by Meccar are be installed in many cities throughout the World.